Thanks Georges, That's good to know. Also thanks to Lubomír Ondračka and Antonia Ruppel for sharing the original article. Best,JOn Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 6:57 PM, Georges PINAULT <> wrote:Dear Jesse, Dear All, For the sake of information, I may mention that Kim McCone has later withdrawn this etymoclogical connection between Ved. brahman- and the Old Irish noun broimm, see the account provided in my paper (to be attached), in Vedic Sâkhâs (proceedings of the Vedic Workshop, Bucharest, 2012), ed. J. Houben, J. Rotaru, M. Witzel, Harvard University Press, 2016, p. 1000 n. 40. This does not hold in the eye of Celtologists, not to speak of other Indo-Europeanists. By the way, this paper of mine contains also an up-to-date bibliography about Ved. brahman- and related issues.
Best regards, Georges-Jean Pinault
> Message du 18/06/17 11:36
> De : "Jesse Knutson via INDOLOGY" <>
> A : "Indology" <>
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> Objet : [INDOLOGY] McCone article request______________________________
>Dear Friends, Would one of you be so kind as to provide the following provocative 3-page article below. It seems that not all jstor subscriptions are equal. It is on jstor, but our budget version doesn't give access.
McCone (Kim): Varia II: 1. OIr. broimm `fart', Skt. bráhma `pious--
ef usion, prayer, spirit'.
In Ériu 36 (1985), pp. 169- 171.
>Jesse Ross Knutson PhD
>Assistant Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali, Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and LiteraturesUniversity of Hawai'i at Mānoa
>461 Spalding_________________
INDOLOGY mailing list (messages to the list's managing committee) (where you can change your list options or unsubscribe)--Jesse Ross Knutson PhDAssistant Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali, Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and LiteraturesUniversity of Hawai'i at Mānoa461 Spalding