Dear Petra,

The book, A Critical Appraisal of Ayurvedic Material in Buddhist Literature with Special Reference to Tripitaka, by Jyotir Mitra (Varanasi, 1985), refers to kucchi-roga on p. 244, merely calling it "abdominal disorders." However, it gives references: Jataka I.243, and Anguttaranikaya X.6.60. I do not have the Pali commentaries on these texts, but they might possibly gloss kucchiroga.

This book on p. 233 also refers to a list of 34 rogas at Niddesa I.18 that includes kucchiroga. Again, the commentary might be worth checking.

The term kucchiroga is not in the glossary to Jinadasa Liyanaratne's English translation of chapters 1-18 of the Bhesajjamanjusa (The Casket of Medicine). The remaining chapters of the Pali text (which have been published, but I do not have them) might also be worth checking.

Sorry if you have already checked all these things.

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 7:20 AM, petra kieffer-puelz via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear All,

does anyone know what kind of disease the Pāli word kucchiroga (skt. kukśiroga) stands for? 
Or is it only a collective term for several diseases? I found as translations: disorders of abdomen,
 abdominal trouble, belly-disease.

In Mahāvaṃsa 37.113 a snake has this disease, and it has a swelling or boil (gaṇḍa) on its belly.

Monks from Sri Lanka who travelled to India in 1852 and the following years
fell ill with kucchiroga after  their arrival in Nāgapaṭṭa, India. Several of them died.

Any information is welcome,
Petra Kieffer-Pülz

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