As in many other cases, SARDS 3 ( is a useful bibliographical tool. At present, it provides 58 search results for the key word "dhyāna."


Dr. Philipp A. Maas
Research Associate
Institut für Indologie und Zentralasienwissenschaften
Universität Leipzig

2017-05-29 18:34 GMT+02:00 Danilov Dmitry via INDOLOGY <>:

Subject: Please help with articles specifically on Dhyāna in context of philosophy of yoga.

Dear list members,

I am at the beginning of my PhD research on Dhyāna in context of philosophy of yoga. After collecting all the material needed from original scriptures from early upaniśads to late haṭha-yogic texts, I came to a point of searching for academic papers analyzing the term. At this point I have found only these works:

On the Meaning of jhāna and dhyāna “Meditation” in Early Buddhism, the Mokṣadharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata and in Classical Yoga Philosophy. P. Maas.

Oberhammer, Gerhard. Strukturen yogischer Meditation. Untersuchungen zur Spiritualität des Yoga. Wien Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1977, pp. 134–230 

Bedekar, V. M. “Dhyānayoga in the Mahābhārata.” Bhāratīya Vidyā 20–21 (1963): 116–125. 

Jan Gonda. The Vision of the Vedic Poets. 1963. p.392.

I would be very grateful to you all for help on information and links to articles, research papers, monographs that include analyses of the term dhyāna or contexts it is used in. 

Best regards, 

Dmitry Danilov.

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