Wednesday 26 April, 3-5pm
Dr Camillo Formigatti (Clay Sanskrit Librarian, Oxford Bodleian)
Kālidāsa’s Raghuvaṃśa (with Raghuvaṃśa manuscript viewings)
The Weston Library, part of the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Wednesday 10 May, 2:45-4:45pm
Dr Péter Szántó (University of Oxford)
The Old Library, All Souls College, University of Oxford
Wednesday 17 May, 2:45-4:45pm
Professor Diwakar Acharya (University of Oxford)
The Old Library, All Souls College, University of Oxford
Wednesday 7 June, 3-5pm
Dr James Hegarty (Cardiff Unversity)
Vidura and the Mahābhārata in Full:
The ‘Dynamic Translation’ of the Critical Edition of a Sanskrit Text
MEET 116, first floor (outside staff room), SOAS, Russell Sq.
Wednesday 14 June, 3-5pm
Dr Theodore Proferes (SOAS)
Maṇḍana Miśra and the prapañca-vilaya-vāda
S118, Senate House first floor, SOAS, Russell Sq.
Please email Avni Chag ( or Karen O'Brien Kop (Karen_O' for booking and other enquiries.