The Call for Panels for the 25th European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS) 2018 in Paris is now open. For details please see below.
All the best,
Raphaël Voix
Call for Panels
The 25th European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS) is scheduled for 24-27 July 2018 at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, (54 and 105, Blvd. Raspail, 75006 Paris). It is organized by the Centre d’Etudes de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud (UMR 8564, CNRS-EHESS).
The call for panels is now open and will close on 30 April 2017.
If you would like to convene a panel at this conference, please submit your proposal via the online form:
How to proceed?
Proposals should consist of:
Rules for convening a panel at ECSAS 2018
EASAS membership required
All proposed panel convenors must be members of EASAS at the time of submission of the panel proposal.
One panel and paper per conference
Panel convenors may present a paper during the conference, either in their own panel or another. Due to the 'competition for time' within such a conference, colleagues are allowed to convene no more than one panel and present only one paper during the conference. This does not prevent potential participants from making several proposals, but in the case of multiple acceptances the convenor and/or panelist will be asked to choose only one.
All panels with an open call
ECSAS requires all accepted panels to be open to paper proposals through the website: proposed panels cannot be ‘closed’ to further papers from the outset.
Composition of panels
EASAS appreciates a well-balanced composition of convenors and panelists within a panel (by gender, with an international mix of participants, and senior and junior scholars) but the main criterion will be the high academic quality of the panel. We also strongly encourage young researchers to contact panel convenors to be considered for inclusion in their panel; young researchers are also encouraged to propose panels themselves.
One convenor per panel must be based in a European institution. The conference organizers will also seek to ensure that the wide range of disciplines usually represented at the conference finds adequate coverage, both separately and in interdisciplinary panels.
No panel may run for more than 4 sessions of 90 minutes.
Convenors and presenters at the 25th ECSAS must be members of EASAS through 2017 & 2018 or 2018 & 2019 and then pay conference registration fees. Only members will be able to attend the conference.
It is easy to join EASAS through the following link: