Dear scholars,
In pursuance to my earlier mails regarding a unicode XML of SK, this is a publication notice of version 1.8.4 of the same.

Compared to the earlier publication version 1.1.0, the major changes are as mentioned below.

1. Following  file formats are available.
  1. Online view - https://drdhaval2785.github.io/siddhantakaumudi/
  2. XML file - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/blob/master/sk.xml
  3. HTML file - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/blob/master/docs/sk.html
  4. epub file - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/blob/master/docs/sk.epub
  5. babylon file - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/blob/master/docs/siddhAnta-kaumudI.babylon
  6. Stardict files - https://github.com/sanskrit-coders/stardict-sanskrit/tree/master/sa-vyAkaraNa/siddhAnta-kaumudI
  7. txt file - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/blob/master/sk1.txt
  8. docx file - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/blob/master/Siddhanta%20Kaumudi%20-%20Text%20only.doc(legacy. Not maintained)

2. Following textual details have been added

    1. uNAdisUtras (Courtesy - AVG)

    2. phiTsUtras - Manually keyed in.

3. HTML file has many appendices now.

  1. sUtras sorted alphabetically.
  2. sUtras sorted in Ashtadhyayi order
  3. vArtikas sorted alphabetically.
  4. paribhASAs sorted alphabetically.
  5. uNAdisUtras sorted alphabetically.
  6. phiTsUtras sorted alphabetically.
  7. dhAtusUci sorted alphabetically.

4. Stardict dictionary updater now has SK as stardict file, so it can be used offline on mobile devices with Colordict / goldendict etc.

5. A lot of typographical corrections and tagging corrections have been made.

For full details of changelog - Please visit the concluding portion of HTML file

Hope this endeavour helps you in some way in your pursuit of Sanskrit Grammar.

Bugs and feature requests are welcome at - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/issues.

Acknowledgements - I extend my heartfelt thanks to Karthikeyan Madathil who helped a lot in XML -> HTML conversion and many other items.

P.S. - We are looking for some volunteers who can proofread and update the text periodically.

Best regards,