That is also true for Sanskrit works published with Hindi translations, commentaries, or paratexts. Bhāṣābhāṣya usually refers to something like an expanded translation, and this usage of the term actually dates to the seventeenth century. Bhāṣāṭīkā is more like a commentary proper; however, these terms are often used interchangeably in contemporary publications.

And of course, no edition would be complete without a śuddhipatra (erratum/corrigenda).


On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 5:01 PM, Allen Thrasher via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
I would add the pustakalaya 'library' can mean 'publishing house'.

Can't sampadita mean 'assembled' or 'collected' in addition to completed?


Bhasabhasya and bhasatika.  Vernacular commentary. My impression is that the first often means not quite a commentary but a somewhat expanded translation into a modern language, while the second may mean more what we usually mean by 'commentary'.  What do others think?

Yantralaya printing house
Silayantra lithographic press


On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 3:53 PM, Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY
I did this little list of vocab list for my students:

  • granthamālā series
  • viracitam composed, written (suffixed to author's name)
  • vyākhyā commentary (Y-viracitayā X-vyākhyayā "with the commentary called X composed by Y")
  • ākhyā called (X-ākhyavyākhyayā "with the commentary called X")
  • upāhvaḥ called (signalling a surname)
  • saṃśodhitam edited
  • vidyālayaḥ university, college
  • prakāśakaḥ publisher
  • saṃskaraṇa edition 
  • mūlyam price
  • mudrakaḥ printer
  • mudraṇālayaḥ printing office
  • upodghātaḥ preface, introduction
  • hastalikhitam manuscript
  • pustakam book 
  • ādarśapustakam manuscript used for comparison or as a witness to the text, exemplar
  • sūcī index
  • sūcīpatram index, contents page
  • -mahodaya respected, professor
  • prācīna old
  • tāḍapatram palm leaf
  • pustakālayaḥ library
  • granthasaṅgrahaḥ library, book collection
  • preṣita sent, posted
  • sakāśāt samupalabdham received from him in person
  • prāpta got, received 
  • saṃpādita completed
  • kroḍapatram fragment, note
  • ṭippaṇī note
  • vivaraṇam commentary
  • khaṇditapatram broken leaf
  • pāṭhaḥ reading (as in, manuscript variant)
  • pāṭhāntaram (variant reading)

Additions?  Corrections?


Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A:

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