On February 5, 2017 at 20:01:47, Madhav Deshpande (mmdesh@umich.edu) wrote:
Hello Malcolm,I have sent this volume to you using WeTransfer. Here is the download link:The link will remain alive for the next 7 days.Madhav Deshpande
On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 6:21 AM, Malcolm Keating via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear list members,
I am looking for a scan of Trivandrum Sanskrit Series Volume 150 (part 3 of Sucaritamiśra’s Kāśika on the Ślokavārttika). It looks like Prof. Deshpande answered this same query in April 2016 with a WeTransfer link for the volume, but it has now expired. If anyone has a newer link, I would appreciate it.
Malcolm Keating
Yale-NUS College | Assistant Professor | Humanities Division (Philosophy) | malcolm.keating@yale-nus.edu.sg | www.malcolmkeating.com
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