Avacchedakatāniruktiḥ. The Avacchedakatānirukti (of the Dīdhiti and Gādādharī) with the Subodhā commentary by N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya.
Associate Editor S. Lakshminarasimham, RSAS  no 8/ Vyākhyānamālā no 2. SCSVMV University Publication Series no 38, Institut Français de Pondichéry / Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram, 2017, vi, 290 p.
Language: Sanskrit. 650 Rs (28 €). ISBN: 978-81-8470-210-1.

The Avacchedakatānirukti, a supplement by Gadādhara Bhaṭṭācārya (circa 1604–1709) to the commentary Dīdhiti on the Tattva Cintāmaṇi written by the great philosopher Raghunātha Śiromaṇi (circa 1477–1547), deals with the interpretation of avacchedakatva, the individuality of invariable concomitance in inference (vyāpti), elaborating upon Raghunātha Śiromaṇi’s treatment of the topic. In his own commentary, the Subodhā, Prof. N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya clarifies the most difficult portion of this śāstric text, and renders it accessible by presenting it in simple and lucid language.


Keywords: Indian logic, avacchedakatva, commentary


About the commentator

N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya is one of the senior authorities in the fields of Nyāya, Vyākaraṇa, Pūrvamīmāṃsā  and Uttaramīmāṃsā. Since retiring as Vice-Chancellor of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha of Tirupati, he has been associated with the French Institute of Pondicherry as Honorary Professor. His profound scholarship has earned him many awards, including the Padma Bhushan and Certificate of Honour for Proficiency in Sanskrit, both conferred by the President of India, and the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur awarded by the French government. He has been awarded the titles of Tarkavācaspati and Śāstraratnākara by the Head of the Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha and the Sri Vedanta Desika Sampradaya Sabha, respectively. He is also the recipient of the Ramakrishna Dalmia Srivani Alankara Award of the Ramakrishna Dalmia Srivani Nyas, and the Vachaspati Puraskar Award of the K. K. Birla Foundation.


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