Dear colleagues, students and friends of the Malayalam language,

please find attached the flyers for the next special intensive classes conducted by Prof. Scaria Zacharia as part of the „Gundert Chair for Malayalam“ scheme at Tübingen University in February and March 2017:

Malayāḷam Readings: Pāṇḍavapuram – Pandavapuram

13. – 17. Februar 2017, daily 10-13 h
Keplerstraße 2, room 004

Prof. Scaria Zacharia is the Gundert Chair Professor for Malayalamat Tübingen University. He will read Sethumadhavan’s famous novel Pāṇḍavapuram.
A. Sethumadhavan (“Sethu”) one of the most important contemporary writers in India. For his novel Pāṇḍavapuram he received several awards. Pāṇḍavapuram deals with a question of moral dilemma through a simple narrative interlaced both with reality and fantasy. It is a woman’s tryst with fantasy and her strong conviction which is held as a social stigma.


An Introduction to Malayāḷam: Cultural Geography and Identity

28. February – 3. March 2017, daily 10-13 h
Keplerstraße 2, room 004

Prof. Scaria Zacharia is the Gundert Chair Professor for Malayalam at Tübingen University.
For this course specially second and third generation Malayalees are invited to participate.
  1. A general survey of contemporary Malayalam language (languages in contact, language and society)
  2. Evolution of Malayalam literature (Sanskritization, westernization, post-colonialism, globalism, indigeneity)
  3. Malayalam and translation (semantic translation, semiotic translation)
  4. Malayalam and mediatization (classical art, modern theater and film, electronic media, popular culture, folk art, visual culture)
  5. Communication and identification (women, Dalits, linguistic minority, religious minority, multiculturalism and democracy)
  6. Internet of things (evolution of space and place, cultural geography of Kerala)

The participation in both courses is free (no fees).

Best regards from Tübingen,
Heike Oberlin

PD Dr. phil. habil. Heike Oberlin
General Manager & Scientific Coordinator (AOI)
Associate Professor (Indology)


Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tuebingen
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI)
Dept. of Indology and Comparative Religion
Keplerstr. 2 (room 139)  · 72074 Tuebingen · Germany

Phone +49 7071 29-74005 · Mobile +49 176 20030066