
South Asian Onomastics (geographical objects and place names), already published (2005), is available at:


Artur Karp

2016-11-24 18:41 GMT+01:00 Artur Karp <karp@uw.edu.pl>:
Dear Colleagues, 

Thanks to a letter from Dr Tyler Williams (re St James Church in Delhi) am now convinced that Indic scripts come nicely through to my post. 

That being the case, I would like to ask you for formal Hindi names of some historical Indian buildings/monuments - as they are written in Devanagari. I can easily transliterate them - using myself the ISO 15919 rules of Romanization. 

The buildings/monuments I need the Hindi names of are mainly churches. They are to be included in the World Historical Buildings/Monuments List - being prepared for publication by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii), Warsaw, Poland. A tentative list of South Asian historical buildings/monuments can be found at:

South Asian Onomastics (geographical objects and place names), already published (2005), is available at:

Hindi names of: 

Basilica of Bom Jesus (Goa)
Basilica of Our Lady of Good Health (near Nagapppatinam)
San Thome Basilica (Chennai)
St. Paul's Cathedral (Kolkata)
St.Thomas Kathedral(Mumbai)
St. Francis Church (Cochin)
St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Church (Malayattur by Ernakulam)

Chennakesava Temple (Belur)

Marathi (Devanagari) name of:

Basilica of Bom Jesus (Goa)

Konkani (Devanagari) name of:

Basilica of Bom Jesus (Goa)

Urdu name of:

Iron Pillar (Delhi)

While expressing - in advance - my gratitude for your help, let me add that the list with its transliterated (acc. to ISO 15919) forms is expected to come in useful to all involved in research centering on South Asia, its geography, history and antiquities. 

From the late Novemberish Warsaw (only 3 °C, but no rain) - 

Artur Karp (ret.)
Katedra Azji Południowej (South Asian Studies Chair)
Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw)