Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Sally and I would like to thank so many of your for your kind words of congratulation on the publication of our translation and annotation of the Uttarakāṇḍa. We are moved and grateful.
It has been a long journey working with many fine scholars in India and the US, some of whom, sadly, are no more. But it has been a wonderful experience to be able to spend so many years immersed in the unparalleled rasasāgara and dharmaśāstra that is Vālmīki’s Ādikāvya. We only hope that you all find it to be at least some small contribution to our understanding of this extraordinary work.
As to Hans’ question, my temptation was to say simply that we are going to Disneyland. But, in keeping with the principle, maraṇāntāni kāryāṇi, we will now be taking up a fresh translation of Bhavabhūti’s curious and largely ignored Mahāvīracarita in connection with the Murty series.
Our warmest good wishes to you all.
Bob Goldman
Dr. R. P. Goldman
Catherine and William L. Magistretti Distinguished Professor in South and Southeast Asian Studies
Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies MC # 2540
The University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-2540
Tel: 510-642-4089
Fax: 510-642-2409