Yes. it is a loss. His critical writings have evoked interest/response in this matter from even those who (including me) did not agree with him. We will miss his responses to our critiques of his questions. 

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Olivelle, J P <> wrote:
This is quite distressing news. I knew Roque and his family from the mid-1970s, and the last time they had us over to their home was in 2001. He was already sick when I visited Vienna a few years ago and could not meet him. He was a kind and generous person and a fine scholar. We will miss him.

Patrick Olivelle

> On Oct 3, 2016, at 11:00 PM, Himal Trikha <> wrote:
> Dear list members,
> This is to convey the sad news that Roque Mesquita of Vienna (“Madhva’s Unknown Sources”) passed away peacefully on September 22nd after a long illness. He leaves behind his wife Erika and their children Sushila, Dominik and Sunanda.
> Born and educated in Goa, India, Roque deepened his theological education at the Gregorian University, Rome, before taking up the study of Indology at the University of Vienna with Gerhard Oberhammer. He initially specialized in Viśiṣṭādvaita­ve­dān­ta and completed his doctoral dissertation (1971) and habilitation (1988) on Yāmuna, particularly on the Saṃvitsiddhi.
> Roque was a member of the faculty of the Institute for Indology from 1972 until his retirement in 2002. He studied Madhva’s works from the mid-nineties onwards, publishing several monographs and engaging in lively discussions on his research as long as his health permitted. His last article “Rejoinder II: Madhva's Unknown Literary Sources” appeared in 2014 in the Rivista di Studi Orientali 87. His final book was seen through the press by his family: “Studies on Madhva’s Viṣṇutattvanirṇaya”, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan 2016, 308 pages.
> Indologists from Vienna have lost a dear and gentle colleague and a patient teacher of Sanskrit: Roque was in charge of the introductory Sanskrit courses for decades and many of us learned to love and respect this language through him.
> His friendly and good-spirited nature will be very much missed.
> Himal Trikha
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