
Kindly spread the word about faculty recruitment at various levels in Chinamay University Kerala India.

If you wish you may recommend names with cv.

We encourage faculty from other nations also to apply for the positions at various levels,

Warm regards
Shrinivasa Varakhedi
Professor and Dean @KSU
Hon. Dean @CVV

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Suresh Subramanian <>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 at 9:34 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Test] Chinmaya University Faculty Recruitment | Call for Applications
To: Shrinivasa Varakhedi <>


Hari Om

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Unto Him Our Best
Prem & Om
Suresh Subramanian
Registrar & Principal Director
Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth
(University u/s 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth Faculty Recruitment | Call for applications
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Greetings from Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth: University for Sanskrit & Indic Traditions!

There is a growing aspiration and demand among the Indian society to seriously explore the possibility of “mainstreaming” Sanskrit education in the country. Increasingly, many feel strongly that the knowledge contained in the Ancient Indian Wisdom could be of great value to address several of the modern day issues that societies, governments and businesses face world over. To respond to these growing aspirations, Chinmaya Mission has started this University. It is my pleasure and privilege, as the Vice Chancellor of this University, to write to you to bring this to your attention.

It is my personal vision to create a World Class university with enabling systems and infrastructure, where faculty drawn from both the modern streams of knowledge and Sanskrit & Ancient Indian wisdom will jointly teach new programs and conduct research to address these requirements. Students who graduate from the University will be able to work in several sectors of the economy, armed with a sound understanding and application potential of Ancient Indian Wisdom in their work places. For more details, I urge you to visit our website at

We are in the process of hiring faculty for the University and the details are available in the web site. The call for applications for faculty recruitment is accessible through this link. I request you to provide wide publicity to this among your faculty colleagues and the research scholars working with them. I also request you to encourage promising and eligible candidates to apply.

We are hopeful of creating new paradigms in teaching Sanskrit & Ancient Indian Wisdom with an emphasis on contemporary applications. This I hope will truly pave the way for India becoming “Vishwa Guru” once again. The support of existing institutions of higher learning of repute, such as yours, is very crucial for this to happen.

Thank you for your support.


Yours sincerely,


B Mahadevan
Vice Chancellor


Encl: Call for Applications

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