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From: S.R. Sarma <SR@sarma.de>
Date: 21 September 2016 at 23:52
Subject: Catalogue of Indian Astronomical Instruments A-E

On the occasion of the Autumnal Equinox (or, rather September Equinox) I have added the series C (Sanskrit astrolabes with multiple plates), D (Sanskrit astrolabes with single plates) and E (astrolabes reworked in Sanskrit) to the online Catalogue.

You may access the Catalogue by visiting my homepage at www.SRSarma.in and then by clicking on “Catalogue of Indian Astronomical Instruments” in the menu.   There you will get an option either to view it online or to download a pdf file. If you have already downloaded the earlier pdf version, please replace it with the new one.

Series A-E cover all the known astrolabes produced in India. The next three series will deal with Celestial Globes, which carry engravings such as the one below.

Warm greetings,

S. R. Sarma

Hoehenstrasse 28 * 40227 Duesseldorf * Germany


Autumnal Equinox (and Virgo waving to you) on a celestial globe