Dear Friends, 

The Chairman of the ICHR, Prof. Y Sudershan Rao, has released a report into the activities they will faciliate in the near future.

From this document it says that:

National Seminar on “Antiquity, Continuity and Development of Civilisation and Culture in Bharat up to first millennium B C”: Theme:The land south of Meru (the Himalayan range) was traditionally known as Bharat, of which the land south of the Vindhya Range was known as Dakshinapath as an integral part of it. 

I find my interest piqued by the following assertion that:

Ancient literature describes the country as a single well defined geographical unit from the Himalayas in north to the Indian Ocean in south. It is generally agreed that the culture and civilization of Bharat was continuous without a break. 

Might anyone be able to point me towards this "ancient literature"? I would like to read it. 

All the best,

Patrick McCartney, PhD
School of Culture, History & Language
College of the Asia-Pacific
The Australian National University
Canberra, Australia, 0200

Skype - psdmccartney
Phone + Whatsapp:  +61 414 954 748
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