Misra Ji
तयोः शरेजप्रकरप्रवाहपर्यन्तभागेषु निषिद्धपाताः ।
वेगेन कृत्वा दिवि चक्रबन्धं भ्रेमुर्गणाः संयति खेशयानाम् (रावणार्जुनीये १९ सर्गे ९ श्लो

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Nityanand Misra <nmisra@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear list

Are these any attested uses of the words varṣeja, kṣareja, śareja, and vareja?

We know that these are all optional forms resulting from the rule vibhāṣā varṣakṣaraśaravarāt (6.3.15). Are there any uses in standard works?

Thanks, Nityananda

Nityānanda Miśra

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