Dear students and friends of the Malayalam language,

please find attached the next special intensive classes conducted as part of the „Gundert Chair for Malayalam“ scheme at Tübingen University:

Prof. M. Sreenathan
(Gundert Chair guest professor from the Malayalam University at Tirur / Kerala)

Easy Readings of Modern Malayalam Literature
Friday, 15.7. - Saturday, 16.7.2016
daily classes from 10:00-12:30 and 15:00-17:30 h

Malayalam - A Linguistic Introduction
Friday, 22.7. & Saturday, 23.7 and Monday, 25.7. - Wednesday, 27.7.2016
daily classes from 10:00-12:30 and 15:00-17:30 h
Day 1: Common elements of Dravidian languages
Day 2: Specific features of the Malayalam language
Day 3: Malayalam under a socio-linguistic point of view
Day 4: Emic grammar tradition Day 5: Analysis of the historical development of Malayalam
Day 5: Analysis of the historical development of Malayalam

Dr. Ophira Gamliel
(Ruhr University Bochum)

Course for beginners (Grammar): 5. – 11.10.2016
Classical Malayalam literature (Reading): 12. & 13.10.2016

For further information and registration please see the flyers attached.

Best regards from Tübingen,
Heike Oberlin

PD Dr. phil. habil. Heike Oberlin
General Manager & Scientific Coordinator (AOI)
Associate Professor (Indology)


Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tuebingen
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI)
Dept. of Indology and Comparative Religion
Keplerstr. 2 (room 139)  · 72074 Tuebingen · Germany

Phone +49 7071 29-74005 · Mobile +49 176 20030066