I would still like to know the source of this statement, but it does not appear to be the Bodhisattva-bhūmi. According to an electronic search of the digital version, the word pañcaśīla does not even occur in this text. So it seems that the author of the Bodhisattva-bhūmi did not make any statement about the pañcaśīla, let alone a categorical statement that a devout Buddhist may deviate from these precepts.

The digital version of the Bodhisattva-bhūmi (Dutt edition) is available at the Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon website (http://www.dsbcproject.org/), and also at the GRETIL website (http://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de/). Page image scans of the two printed editions, those by Unrai Wogihara (1930-1936) and by Nalinaksha Dutt (1966), were posted by me on the web (http://prajnaquest.fr/blog/sanskrit-texts-3/sanskrit-buddhist-texts/). Only a few months ago the first complete English translation of the Bodhisattva-bhūmi was published: The Bodhisattva Path to Unsurpassed Enlightenment, translated by Artemus B. Engle (Boulder: Snow Lion, 2016).

By the way, I compared several pages of this new English translation by Artemus Engle to the Sanskrit and Tibetan texts, and it appears to me to have been very carefully made.

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 11:32 AM, Artur Karp <karp@uw.edu.pl> wrote:

Also I would like to join the request, 

Best regards, 

Artur Karp (ret.)
University of Warsaw

2016-06-03 19:29 GMT+02:00 David and Nancy Reigle <dnreigle@gmail.com>:
Dear Alakendu Das,

Could you please provide a specific reference for this? Thanks. The Bodhisattva-bhūmi is a large book.

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 4:54 AM, alakendu das <mailmealakendudas@rediffmail.com> wrote:
There's yet another interesting twist about good deeds and bad deeds. Obviously , good deeds are those in accordance with the PanchaSheela .But Asanga, the 4th century Mahayana Buddhist philosopher ,in his text Bodhisatta-Bhumi, categorically stated that a devout Buddhist may deviate from any of the 5 Panchasheelas if he finds anybody who is violating the ethical code viz. showing scnt respect to parents or elder brother . or to a fellow Bhikkhu.
It shows the practical aspect of Buddhism, as it went on evolving after Buddha .


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