Now that my PhD is complete I can get on with some projects that have been in the 'to do' pile. One such project is the unfunded documentary series titled: Imagining Sanskrit Land. These 5-10 minute films present different aspects of quotidian life in the 'Sanskrit speaking' village known as Jhiri, which is located in Madhya Pradesh, India.Â
In this episode I wanted to highlight how much effort goes into acquiring water in a village where running water, or water straight out of the tap in the house does not exist in any of the 90 dwellings in the village. The burden of fetching water generally falls upon the women and young girls. In India, many children miss out on an education due to this responsibility.Â
I hope you enjoy it.
All the best,
Patrick McCartney, PhD
School of Culture, History & Language
College of the Asia-Pacific
The Australian National University
Canberra, Australia, 0200
Skype - psdmccartney