On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Matthew Kapstein <mkapstei@uchicago.edu> wrote:
The conversation seems to have forgotten entirely the role of the great Skt.-Skt. dictionaries
of the 19th c., the Sabdakalpadruma and the Vacaspatyam (sorry that I have no diacriticals
at the moment).

In Monier Williams introductory material under abbreviations he has:
" L.  lexicographers (i.e. a word or meaning which although given in the native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any published text. ".
Over the years I've looked up a lot of words from the tantric literature in M-W and many times found the entry had this "L." reference.  
Also as an experiment I just did a random search for a few entries in a text version of M-W's for this L. reference just to see if they were also in Boehtlink-Roth.  Of the seven random entries with the "L." reference that  I picked ,two were in MW but not in either pw or PW.  and 5 were in both MW and PW

aṁsemūla rohaṇadruma were in MW but not PW or pw

aṁhripa, kṣaudrajā, nihiṁsana, nītighoṣa, nīcabhojya were in MW and PW

Are all or some of these 7 words in  Sabdakalpadruma and the Vacaspatyam ?

Harry Spier