With many thanks to Andrew, it really should not be overlooked, among the other fascinating looking contributions, that there is a short appreciation of Fernando Tola, a scholar who because of the circumstances of his career has been much less part of the mainstream than he should have been. i think that even without Spanish (mine is basically restricted to knowing how to order a beer) one can still understand enough of the survey to appreciate Tola as a scholar. I have the good fortune to know him and Carmen Dagonetti personally, and you could not hope to meet two more lovely human beings. So, even not able to read Spanish, you might think of giving the few pages a look.


On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 6:57 PM, Andrew Nicholson <andrew.nicholson@stonybrook.edu> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the most recent volume of the
Revista científica Guillermo de Ockham, a special edition on South
Asia that includes articles by Claus Oetke, Johannes Bronkhorst,
Adriano Aprigliano, and me, among others. The journal publishes
articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

You'll find a link and table of contents below.

All the best,



Tabla de contenidos

Original papers

Darśana, Philosophy and Religion in Pre-modern India
Ramkrishna Bhattacharya

Is the section of verses 1-29 in Vākyapadīya III.3 based on a sound
theoretical motivation?
Claus Oetke

Who were the Cārvākas?
Johannes Bronkhorst

Bhartṛprapañca and the Eight States of Brahman
Ivan Andrijanić

A Gramática como instrumento de conhecimento do real no Vākyapadīya de
Bhartr̥hari: breve comentário a Vp I.1-12
Adriano Aprigliano

La cuestión de la identidad Nath: Consideraciones sobre una orden de Yoguis
Adrián Muñoz

La diáspora india, su relación con el país de origen y residencia:
Panorama de los estudios realizados
Lía Rodríguez de la Vega

Rājaśekhara y la imaginación receptora
Óscar Figueroa

Algunos problemas en torno a la noción de sánscrito clásico
Gabriela Müller, Verónica Orqueda

Viudas en la India. De la Antigüedad a nuestros días
Rosalía C. Vofchuk


Orientalismo, Interpretação, e o Estudo da Filosofia Indiana no Ocidente
Andrew J. Nicholson


De Budas y Bodhisattvas: homenaje a Fernando Tola Mendoza
Lía Rodriguez de la Vega


Da palavra (Vākyapadīya)
Lucas Nascimento Machado

Andrew J. Nicholson
Associate Professor
Graduate Studies Director
Asian & Asian American Studies
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5343
(631) 632-4030

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J. Silk
Leiden University
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