Well, Dominik, yes, it *is* more stable, though perhaps no more 'real' than --not 'the author's recension' --the paper posted to a non-stable URL without DOI that could as easily disappear tomorrow. As long as we still have printed books (which thank heaven I guess will stay around at least during my lifetime, however much of that is left), the presumption is that a reader interested in tracking the reference should be able to see exactly what the citer saw. With ephemeral web materials that is simply not true -- as you of course know very very well, so I presume that you might have been 'trolling' a bit to start a discussion? ;)

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 5:56 AM, Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk@gmail.com> wrote:
This raises an interesting point about the nature of citation.  In the case of this paper, the preprint or typescript or whatever it is, the author's recension (like a "director's cut"), is much more easily available than the printed book version.  It's right there on the internet at unil.ch and also amongst Bronkhorst's papers at academia.edu, just the click of a mouse away.  So I think there is a good argument for citing these recensions of the paper rather than the book.  And this is especially the case if the author's recension is what you've actually been reading.  One should of course cite this like a web page, with URL and date of consultation.  

The quest for a page number in an inaccessible printed book is based on an idea that the book is more real, in some sense, more valid or stable than the author's recension.  But I think that belief can probably be challenged quite strongly.

Dominik Wujastyk

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