Thank you, Prof. Ryan, Prof. Deshpande, and Prof. Cardona for your responses. I had been travelling and so could not respond earlier.

Here are some quick comments.

1) ‘śuṣrūṣamāṇānām’ is certainly a digitization error. The reading in Bhāgavata Purāṇa 1.1.13 is ‘śuśrūṣamāṇānām’ with the palatal  ‘ś’. The ātmanepada is from ‘jñāśrusmṛdṛśāṃ sanaḥ’ (A 1.3.57).

2) The RV example of ‘ajuṣran’ is a non-Paninian form, the Paninian form being ‘ajuṣanta’ from the root ‘juṣī prītisevanayoḥ’ (DP 1288). The two non-Paninian features are the ‘ruṭ’ augment and the use of ‘parasmaipada’. Sāyaṇācārya explains the ‘parasmaipada’ by ‘vyatyaya’ (which would refer to ‘vyatyayo bahulam’, A 3.1.85), and the ‘ruṭ’ by ‘bahulaṃ chandasi’ (which would specifically be the rule 7.1.8). I have attached the snaps of the mantra and the commentary (Vaidic Samshodhan Mandal, 1935, Volume I).

3) I have not had the opportunity to cross-check the cited examples against published editions the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, hence I cannot comment on them now.

4) In a word boundary, a final ‘ṣ’ cannot occur in the Paninian system due to ‘jhalāṃ jaśo'nte’ (A 8.2.39) which will change a terminal ‘ṣ’ to a ‘ḍ’

Most likely, the examples of ‘ṣr’ do not occur in the Paninian system.

My interest to trace an attested form was partly because I wanted to see how the conjunct was printed in old books. It appears that the printing press where the Vaidic Samshodhan Mandal book was printed did not have a printing block for the glyph ‘ṣr’ (quite possible given the conjunct is so rarely attested). The ‘r’ hook was put below the glyph for ‘ṣ’, which is unexpected: given the similarities between the glyphs for ‘p’ and  ‘ṣ’, one would expect the glyph for ‘ṣr’ to be similar to that of ‘pr’, with a slanting diagonal line as seen in modern fonts. Perhaps manuscripts of RV would need to be seen to ascertain how the glyph was actually written by scribes before the use of printing presses in India.
Thanks, Nityanand

On 10 March 2016 at 19:12, Kevin M. Ryan <> wrote:
Dear Nityanand,

Here are a few items I found in the GRETIL corpus:

ajuá¹£ran (RV 1.71.1c)
pariṣritaḥ (3x), pariṣrayati (1x), miṣram (Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa)
zuṣrūṣamāṇānām (Bhāgavata Purāṇa 1.1.13)

It could also in principle be found across a word boundary, when a word is left to stand with final á¹£ (e.g. jyotiá¹£ rajas, Nirukta).


On 3/10/16 5:07 AM, Nityanand Misra wrote:
Dear list

In Ulrich Stiehl’s list of 807 conjuncts attested in Sanskrit, the
two-consonant conjunct ‘ṣr’ (ष्र्) is listed as the 786th entry (third
from left in last line of page 4 of the PDF under

I have been unable to trace any word in which this conjunct would occur
in Sanskrit.

Prefix and infix expression search on Advanced search on Monier
Williams, Vācaspatyam, and Śabdakalpadrumaḥ yielded no result (except
for क्ष्रौम् in M-W which has the three-syllable conjunct kṣr)

Does anybody know of an example of a word or verse/sentence in which the
usage of this conjunct is attested?

Thanks, Nityanand

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Nityānanda Miśra