I would be very careful about signing such contracts. There is a trend in business these days to push liability and economic responsibility as far down the ladder as possible. Working as a translator, I regularly get served contracts that in principle could ruin me. Never sign such contracts. Never make yourself responsible for more than an amount of money you know you can handle. Don't operate on trust - be smart, check with a lawyer or find some other publishing solution.


Den 17.03.2016 04:24, skrev Richard Mahoney | Indica et Buddhica:
Dear Will,

On 2016-03-17 14:57, Will Sweetman wrote:
In the last few months I've been asked to sign two contracts with 
Indian publishers which included what seem to me to be very sweeping 
liability statements.

I think academics too often sign contracts without any negotiation, 
and I'd be very interested to hear (whether on or off list) whether 
others have been successful in getting contracts amended.

Best wishes

I'd say it would be prudent to have such contracts reviewed by
commercial solicitors with international experience and perhaps also by
a firm of patent attorneys. Cost is an issue but most firms would be
willing to have a chat to give you a sense of what you and your
colleagues might be up for. `Frankenstein' contracts are not unknown.

Best, Richard

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