Dear List,

while editing the Śṛṅgārataraṅgiṇī, an unpublished commentary on the Amaruśataka by a certain Sūryadāsa, I came across the name of a king: Mānasāhi. As the author's father seems to have worked for him, dating the king might prove to be decisive for the purpose of (roughly) dating Sūryadāsa. I could find out that the Tomara Man Singh (1486-1516) is recorded as Mānasāhi in at least one inscription (Rohtas Fort, Bihar) and that secondary sources mention many Mānasāhi in Nepal.

The terminus post quem of the Śṛṅgārataraṅgiṇī is the beginning of the 13th c., while its terminus ante quem is 1707 AD.

Is the name Mānasāhi known to anyone, with this or other spellings (Mānaśāhi, etc.)?

The same commentary mentions a work called Dhaneśvarālaṃkāra (one ms against two reads "ca nekharālaṃkāra", but this is obviously a corruption), is it familiar to anybody?

With best wishes,

Gaia Pintucci

Universität Hamburg
Abt. für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets
Doktorandenkolleg Geisteswissenschaften
Alsterterrasse 1