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From: Lora Kile <Lora.Kile@asu.edu>
Date: 1 February 2016 at 13:09
Subject: ACLS/Ho Family Foundation Workshop for College Teachers in Theravada Buddhist Studies

Teaching about

Theravada Buddhist Civilizations:

A Summer Workshop for College Teachers

Arizona State University

July 31-August 6, 2016

Application Deadline: April 15, 2016


With the support of The Robert N. Ho Family Foundation and the American Council of Learned Societies, Arizona State University offers a week-long workshop on teaching about Buddhism at the post-secondary level to facilitate new scholarly networks in this field. The workshop focuses on recent developments in the study of and teaching about Theravada Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia. Interdisciplinary approaches in textual and ethnographic studies in premodern/modern contexts as well as teaching undergraduates about Buddhist histories and practices, changing academic environments and student demographics will be discussed in workshop sessions.

Please see our webpage at https://car.clas.asu.edu/aclsho-workshop for the application, instructions, list of workshop faculty and funding opportunities. 

The full ad is attached as a pdf to this e-mail.

Thank you for your assistance,

Lora Kile

Program Coordinator

Center for Asian Research


e-mail: asia@asu.edu

website: car.clas.asu.edu


Instructional Professional

School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Arizona State University | P.O. Box 874302 | Tempe, Arizona 85287-4302
480.965.0454 | Fax: 480.965.0310 e-mail: lkile@asu.edu