I was able to contact Stanley Insler directly about this, and I here post his reply, with his permission:

"Owing to a variety of other commitments, I abandoned my efforts to translate the RV about 20 years ago. The project then fell into the hands of 2 of my former students, Prof. Stephanie Jamison (UCLA) and Prof. Joel Brereton (UT Austin). They worked from scratch for 15 years (I didn't turn over my work to them) and their translation was published by OUP (in 3 vols.) in June 2014. It is excellent in every aspect. I say this not because it is the work of my students but because it is excellent."
   Stanley Insler"

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 10:59 AM, David and Nancy Reigle <dnreigle@gmail.com> wrote:

To anyone who may know,

Frits Staal in the Preface to his monumental 1983 book, Agni: The Vedic Ritual of the Fire Altar, wrote (p. xxix): “When the work was nearing completion, I learned that Professor Stanley Insler of Yale was translating the Ṛgveda and had completed nearly half of it.” Staal was able to include Insler’s translations of a number of Ṛgveda verses in this book. I always wondered what ever happened to Insler’s translation of the Ṛgveda, especially when I later learned of the (then) forthcoming (now published) translation by Stephanie Jamison and Joel Brereton, former students of his. Did Insler ever complete his translation? If not, will the completed portion ever be made available? I would think that the labor of a specialist like Stanley Insler is worth preserving and making available. For a text as difficult as the Ṛgveda, where there is no question of having a “definitive” translation, this would take nothing away from the carefully made translation that Jamison and Brereton labored for many years to complete.

Best regards,

David Reigle

Colorado, U.S.A.