Dear list members,

First thank you to all the list members who sent me the articles on Om I needed.

Secondly do any of the vedic specialists have a translation of verse 2.13 from the Vajasaneyi Samhita. My understanding from Keiths article is that this is the earliest explicit occurance of Om in the literature. Also my understanding is that Griffiths translation of the Vajasaneyi Samhita can't always be trusted.

The verse 2.13 :

máno jūtír juṣatām ā́jyasya bŕ̥haspátir yajñám imáṃ tanotu \


áriṣṭaṃ yajñám̐ sám imáṃ dadhātu víśve devā́sa ihá mādayantām ó3ṃ prá tiṣṭha \\

Harry Spier