Where Ashok says “traditionally, texts of the NS type…”,  he refers to this passage:  trividhā cāsya śāstrasya pravṛttiḥ | uddeśo lakṣaṇaṃ parīkṣā ceti | (nyāyabhāṣyam 1.1.3)

vācaspati’s comment, tadasya nirākaraṇaṃ lakṣaṇagatenālocanajñānāvarodhārthenāvyapadeśyapadena sūcitamiti
parīkṣāparvaṇi vacanārhamapi subhāṣitarucitayā tadvilambamasahamāno bhāṣyakāro lakṣaṇāvasara evāha |
ata evāha - avyapadeśyamitīti | (nyāyavārttikatātparyaṭīkā 1.1.4 per Gretil), reflects the position śālikānāthaḥ states, śabdasañjalpanānuviddhasya pratyakṣasya śābdatvāśaṅkā śābdaparīkṣāparvaṇi nirākartumucitā (pramāṇapārāyaṇam per Gretil). Both śālikānāthaḥ and vācaspatiḥ say that the argument pakṣilasvāmī presents here anticipates an argument that properly belongs in the (śābda)parīkṣāparva. uddyotarakaraḥ marks the beginning of śabdaparīkṣā when he says athāvasaraprāptaḥ śabdaḥ parīkṣyate (beginning of comment to nyāyasūtram 2.1.49, page 245 line 16 in Anantalal Thakur's 1997 edition).

While vācaspatiḥ certainly may have known this view from śālikanātha’s work, and it is possible that śālikanāthaḥ first articulated it, it is more likely that a lost nyāyaḥ commentary is the source of this view.

Elliot M. Stern
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On 09 Dec  2015, at 21:59, Ashok Aklujkar <ashok.aklujkar@gmail.com> wrote:

Traditionally, texts of the NS type are divided into uddeśa (section), lakṣaṇa (section) and parīkṣā (section). Unless Vācaspati-miśra and Śālikanātha have actually quoted phrases or sentences not found in the lakṣaṇa and parīkṣā sections of the commentandum, there would be no reason to assume that they are going beyond the thought-world of the commentandum (actual in Vācaspati-miśra’s case, contextually presupposed in Śālikanātha’s case).

It is unlikely to be a coincidence that two of the three terms I have mentioned above are found in the terms under discussion. 

Bhartṛ-hari’s presumably lost work or work-part is known as -samuddeśa, not as -parvan.


On Dec 9, 2015, at 4:53 AM, Christophe Vielle <christophe.vielle@UCLOUVAIN.BE> wrote:

Dear List,

what is the  Parīkṣā-parvan which is referred to several times in the Nyāyavārttikatātparyaṭīkā of Vācaspati Miśra, ad NS I 1 4-5-8-14, 2 15 (together with one Lakṣaṇa-parvan), and II introd. (by searching within the GRETIL input s.v.) and which seems to correspond to the Śābdaparīkṣāparvan referred to in the 6th chapter (Pramāṇa-pārāyaṇa,  pratyakṣa-pariccheda/section) of Śālikanātha's Prakaraṇapañcikā. Could this be referring to a book or section of the commentary on the NS by Uddyotakara, or to a work of Bhartṛhari ?
Thank you for your help.

Christophe Vielle

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