Dear Ken,

I had no problem downloading the zipped file containing the pdfs.



2015-12-07 11:08 GMT+00:00 Madhav Deshpande <>:
Dear Ken,

     The same thing happened to me while downloading the torrent, but then I shut of the downloader Vuze, and found that all the files had been actually downloaded.  After downloading 99.96, Vuze went into the uploading mode and was uploading something from my hard-drive, which got me worried.  But, in any case, all the files were downloaded in the Vuze folder in Documents on my Mac.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 4:59 AM, Kenneth Gregory Zysk <> wrote:

I have tried numerous times to download this via “torrent”, but each time it shows that 99.96% has been downloaded and it is the .04% what prevents me from opening any of the files.

Does anyone have a solution to the problem?

Many thanks,



Kenneth Zysk, PhD, DPhil

Head of Indology

Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies

University of Copenhagen

Karen Blixens Vej 4, Bygn. 10,

DK-2300 Copenhagen S    Denmark

Ph:  +45 51302624                          Email:


From: INDOLOGY [] On Behalf Of Dominik Wujastyk
Sent: 6. december 2015 09:23
To: Indology
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Epigraphia Indica


A kind soul, Vishvas Vasuki, has placed scans of all vols. of EI at

-- D


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Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
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