I have tried numerous times to download this via “torrent”, but each time it shows that 99.96% has been downloaded and it is the .04% what prevents me from opening any of the files.

Does anyone have a solution to the problem?

Many thanks,



Kenneth Zysk, PhD, DPhil

Head of Indology

Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies

University of Copenhagen

Karen Blixens Vej 4, Bygn. 10,

DK-2300 Copenhagen S    Denmark

Ph:  +45 51302624                          Email: zysk@hum.ku.dk


From: INDOLOGY [mailto:indology-bounces@list.indology.info] On Behalf Of Dominik Wujastyk
Sent: 6. december 2015 09:23
To: Indology
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Epigraphia Indica


A kind soul, Vishvas Vasuki, has placed scans of all vols. of EI at archive.org

-- D