Just an information.A reedition of R.C.Dutta's Bengali translation of the RigVeda was published in the early sixties.In its foreword Suniti Kumar Chatterji had attempted OIIr/PIE reconstructions of a poem by Tagore gaan geye tori beye ke ase pare etc. I shall have to search that out fopr posting but Chatterji had made it different

On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 1:15 AM, Patrick Mccartney <psdmccartney@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Friends, 

Here is a brief but interesting MP3 and translation of PIE.




Sent from my left foot

On 4 Dec 2015, at 13:32, patrick mccartney <psdmccartney@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you to Madhav Deshpande for his help with a copy of this article in world record time.

All the best,

Patrick McCartney 

PhD Candidate 
School of Culture, History & Language
College of the Asia-Pacific
The Australian National University
Canberra, Australia, 0200

Skype - psdmccartney

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 1:10 PM, patrick mccartney <psdmccartney@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Friends, 

I'm trying to source a copy of this article: A note on English and modern Sanskrit by
  2. For whatever reason, my library search through my university cannot locate it nor provide access. Even though it is clearly available as a pdf. 

  3. Your help is appreciated.

All the best,

Patrick McCartney 

PhD Candidate 
School of Culture, History & Language
College of the Asia-Pacific
The Australian National University
Canberra, Australia, 0200

Skype - psdmccartney

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