This since Bühler's detailed analysis of the Nīlamata in his famous Kashmīr report of 1877 well-known desiccation myth simply provided a background for "Nirvacananists" in search for a meaning like "water-draining-away" in the syllables ka-śmī-ra. The Nīlamata reference with ka (n.) as "water" may tacitly presuppose on what Govind Kaul elaborated more extensively later in the 19th century. See his Rājataraṅgiṇīpradeśavyākhyā (MS Stein No. 128, Clauson's Catalogue [1912] p. 598). There, he explains the nirukti in the context of Kashmir's "second name", Satīsaras, in the following manner: kaṃ [=] jalaṃ, śmīrati [=] calaty asmād iti śmīra smīra calane iti dhātor auṇādikaṃ rūpam. Thereafter he quotes your  Nīlamata passage, incidentally using the notable variant halinā instead of hariṇā (cp. the apparatus in De Vreese's ed.).
Thus by a forced uṇādi derivation two nominal stems śmīra / smīra were made up assigning to it the meaning of the verbal root cal. This could very well represent an older tradition. Anyway, following Kaul's etymology, ka-śmīra would eventually come to mean "[land] from-where-the-water-drained-away".
In this manuscript, Govind Kaul explains also the etymologies of the name Kashmir in the Kaśmīrī (kaśīra, kaśur, kaśūr) and Persian (kaśyapamar, kaśmar) languages.


Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
Hermann-Löns-Str. 1
D-99425 Weimar

Ego ex animi mei sententia spondeo ac polliceor

studia humanitatis impigro labore culturum et provecturum

non sordidi lucri causa nec ad vanam captandam gloriam,

sed quo magis veri
tas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus

humani generis continetur, clarius effulgeat.

Vindobonae, die XXI. mensis Novembris MCMLXXXIII.

2015-11-29 19:08 GMT+01:00 Charles Li <>:
I came across this purported nirukta of the word "kaśmīra" on the Wikipedia page for "Kashmir" -- does anyone know where it comes from? -- :

The Nilamata Purana describes the Valley's origin from the waters, Ka means "water" and Shimir means "to desiccate". Hence, Kaashmir stands for "a land desiccated from water." There is also a theory which takes Kaashmir to be a contraction of Kashyap-mira or Kashyapmir or Kashyapmeru, the "sea or mountain of Kashyapa", the sage who is credited with having drained the waters of the primordial lake Satisar, that Kaashmir was before it was reclaimed.

I checked the Nīlamata Purāna, which has this:

kaḥ prajāpatir uddiṣṭaḥ kaśyapaś ca prajāpatiḥ |
tenāsau nirmito deśaḥ kaśmīrākhyo bhaviṣyati || 231 ||
kaṃ vāri hariṇā yasmād deśād asmād apākṛtam |
kaśmīrākhyaṃ tato paśya nāma loke bhaviṣỵati || 232 ||


This explains the "ka" as water (vāri), but doesn't have anything to say about "shimir". The Rājataraṅgiṇī has, similarly:

kaśyapena tadantaḥstaṃ ghātayitvā jalodbhavam |
nirmame tatsarobhūmau kaśmīrā iti maṇḍalam || 27 ||


Neither source seems to have anything to say about the second half of the word "kaśmīra" meaning something like "desiccated". Does anyone have any idea where this might come from?



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