10 11 2015
Two later features may be noted
In the
daily prayers the Gāyatrī is muttered as it is in the Ṛgveda. The citation
betrays sectarian need.
Many cults developed later. But modified use of the Gāyatrī did not take place widely so that any generalization may be misleading. The Ṛgvedic Gāyatrī is overwhelmingly more in use.
I'm having finger trouble today. I meant to ask since the Gayatri mantra from the Rg Veda, became so sacred I would have thought later gayatri mantras would have followed its form, but they didn't, they followed the form of the later gayatri mantras from the Taittiriya Aranyaka..... vidmahe....dhimahI....pracodayAtDoes any of the Sanskrit literature discuss this?Thanks,
Harry Spier
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