Dear colleagues, 

I am very grateful for your help. 

Roland, I had checked Velankar's "Prosodial Practice" thanks to an earlier pointer from Andrew. I'm glad to know that that is also the article you would consult. 

I did not know about the caesurae that aren't (always) noted as yatis in the metrical treatises. Thank you both for pointing those out to me!

Dániel, it would be interesting to compare the number of compound boundaries vs. word boundaries at the yatis (e.g. 42 vs. 458) with the total number of compound boundaries vs. word boundaries in the verses you've studied. That might give us a rough idea of their relative acceptability. I'll look forward to the English version of your paper.

Best wishes, 


On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Roland Steiner <> wrote:

Regarding Dieter's second question, there are the "Nebencaesuren" of āryā-type meters, which are not (to my knowledge) described as yati by the tradition: in certain positions (the sixth gaṇa of the first line, and the
fourth gaṇa of any vipulā line, as H. Jacobi discovered), there must be a "syncopated" rhythm, which is achieved either with the shape v–v or with v|vvvv, the word-boundary being necessary in the second case to prevent the four light syllables from being scanned as two bimoraic feet.

That is an important hint, but there is at least one exception. In his metrical treatise Chandoratnākara, the Buddhist author Ratnākaraśānti (fl. between 975 and 1050) describes yati-s in certain well-defined cases related to the Āryā group of metres:

pūrvārdhe ṣaṣṭho jaḥ kho vā khe tv ādyalaghuni bhavati yatiḥ /
ṣaṣṭhaḥ khaparo 'ntayatis tūryo 'py atha bhavati caramadale // (Chandoratnākara 5.4)

"In the first half [of an Āryā stanza] the sixth [foot is] either ja (v – v) or kha (v v v v); in the case of kha, however, a caesura occurs after the first short [syllable]. A caesura [occurs] at the end of the sixth [foot] when the following (i.e. the seventh) [foot is] kha. Then in the second half [in addition to the sixth foot, the same applies] to the fourth [foot] as well (i.e. when the fifth foot is kha, a caesura occurs at the end of the fourth foot)." (ed. and transl. by Dimitrov p. 125, see below).

In his article "Ratnākaraśānti's Chandoratnākara and Tathāgatadāsa's Chandomāṇikya" (in: Indica et Tibetica. Festschrift für Michael Hahn. Ed. by Konrad Klaus and Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Wien 2007 [Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. 66], pp. 113-138) Dragomir Dimitrov points to the fact that Nārāyaṇa Bhaṭṭa quotes this stanza in his commentary on Kedārabhaṭṭa's Vṛttaratnākara (Ṭīkā ad VR 2.2). In addition to this, there is an unpublished Buddhist metrical treatise, entitled Chandomāṇikya by a certain Tathāgatadāsa, who according to Dimitrov (p. 124), lived "before 1205 AD [...] and cannot be dated later than Vidyākara (11th or 12th cent.)". The relevant passage in which the distribution of yati-s in the Āryā metre is treated is partly similar to Ratnākaraśānti's (for details and further references see the above-mentioned article by Dimitrov, esp. pp. 125-127).

Best wishes,
Roland Steiner

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