Am 08.10.2015 um 17:17 schrieb Christophe Vielle:
I have myself just achieved a first input (including pada-paa.tha and variant readings of the various editions - I have still to check one before to propose the text on GRETIL - here attached the work as already done) + French translation (a simple new Sanskrit commentary is also planned because I am not always satisfied by the existing ones).
Two noteworthy studies on the work are:
- Ferdinando Belloni-Filippi, "Il Poema Demoniaco (raak.sasakaavyam)", Giornale della società america asiatica italiana 19, 1906, pp. 83-102

- P. K. Gode,  "Date of Raak.sasa Kaavya or Kaavyaraak.sasa — Before A.D. 1000", In: Studies in Indian Literary History vol. 1, pp. 195-202;
orig. publ. in Journal of Indian History, Madras, vol. 19/3, 1940 pp. 312-319

Le 8 oct. 2015 à 16:39, Benjamin Fleming <> a écrit :

Does anyone know of any scholarly work done on the kAvyarAkSasa also going by rAkSasakAvya?

S. Lienhard: A History of Classical Poetry (1984), p. 200, n. 143 points additionally to these articles in IHQ:
Hope it helps

Peter Wyzlic
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Universität Bonn
Regina-Pacis-Weg 7
D-53113 Bonn