Dear Martin [and James],

Well, of course there is the padapatha analysis of the samhita text and there is Sayana's commentary.  But if you are looking for a contemporary scholarly edition of the RV which parses everything, I don't think that such a thing exists.

However, in conjunction with their recent translation of the entire RV, Brereton and Jamison have initiated a website where they intend to comment in more detail on their translation.  They have invited other Rg Veda specialists to add comments as well. This may eventually evolve into something like what you are looking for, but surely it will take many years.

The website is:

The website does not allow for open commentary, however.  The authors prefer to confine discussion for now to their RV colleagues.

Best wishes,

George Thompson

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:27 AM, Martin Gluckman <> wrote:

I am looking for an edition (digital or otherwise) of the entire Ṛg Veda which has been parsed (syntactic, semantic and morphological). In case anyone is aware of any such edition or part thereof I would much appreciate further information therewith.

With Kindest Wishes,

Martin Gluckman

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