Dear colleagues,

I am exploring the parallel notions of twenty-four past buddhas and twenty-four past jinas/tirthankaras. I have all the textual references and scholarly materials, as far as I am aware, but I lack expertise in the artistic sources. Does anybody know when or where we find the first appearance of twenty-four buddhas or jinas together? (I am aware of evidence for smaller numbers of past teachers in art from the Ashokan period onwards, but I am particularly interested in when the number 24 makes an appearance.)

In addition, is the number 24 at all significant in Vaisnava traditions? I am aware of the list of 24 avatāras in the Sikh Dasam Granth.

Many thanks as always for your help.

All the best,
Dr Naomi Appleton
Senior Lecturer, Asian Religions
School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
Twitter: @JatakaStories