Sri Nityanand Mishraji highlights many other chitrakaviva and alankAra aspects of both gopIgItam and bhArgavarAghavIyam.
Following is from his post:
Please see entry number 4 on page 179 in my second prosody appendix (Appendix II) of the Śrībhārgavarāghavīyam. I have attached the scan of the page, the PDF can be downloaded here –

इन्दिरा is न र र ल ग x 4, with the caesura (यति)
after the sixth syllable. Another name of the metre is कनकमञ्जरी.

Examples –

1) From the गोपीगीतम्

जयति तेऽधिकं जन्मना ब्रजः श्रयत इन्दिरा शश्वदत्र हि।

दयित दृश्यतां दिक्षु तावकास्त्वयि धृतासवस्त्वां विचिन्वते॥ भा. १०-३१-१ ॥

This is मुद्रा अलङ्कार (embedding the name of the metre in the verse). Also note the beauty that is obtained with the two parts of a foot beginning with the same consonant, i.e. the first and seventh syllables of each foot begin with the same consonant (यति and न्मना, श्रयत and श्वत्, यित and दिक्षु, त्वयि and त्वाम्).

2) Nineteen verses from the twentieth canto of श्रीभार्गवराघवीयम् (२०-७३ to २०-९१), here I produce the last one –


वनकसौख्यकृद्वर्धय स्वतां धनकबन्धुहन् धर्षयानयम्॥ २०-९१ ॥

Once again, मुद्रा अलङ्कार (embedding the name of the metre in the verse) is present with the name कनकमञ्जरी. Also, both parts of each foot begin with the same consonant (नक- and कान्ति-, नक- and जात-, नक- and र्धय, नक and र्षय). All other 18 verses follow the same pattern of first and seventh syllable of each quarter beginning with the same consonant.

Others can be read here –


Prof.Nagaraj Paturi