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From: Ashok Aklujkar <ashok.aklujkar@gmail.com>
Date: 25 July 2015 at 14:34
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Read the Sanskrit texts: Why both Rajiv Malhotra and his critics are wrong about plagiarism
To: Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk@gmail.com>

Dear Dominik,

On Jul 25, 2015, at 4:43 AM, Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk@gmail.com> wrote:

Malhotra’s assertion that "there are no quotation marks in Sanskrit" 

It has been more than a week since I pointed out on the Indology forum itself that Malhotra had in mind a written symbol indicating quotation, not about a marker in speech or reproduction of speech such as iti. Note his words “in its character set”.

Et tu, Dominik?

You should publicly correct yourself. It is not proper to quote someone by dropping an important part of his sentence and suggest that he/she is terribly ignorant just because one disagrees with him/her, unless one wishes to join the rank of Steve Farmer et al. 
