dear all 
it seems indologists are not interested any more in the petition seeking withdrawal Rajiv's books. This petition by Jesse knutson has attracted only 218 supporters as  I write this piece, 

compared to 4053 supporters to the petition not to ban Wendy Doniger's Books lasy year (

and much lower number compared to 9462 supporters to the petition for non-withdrawal of Rajiv's books (

Hence I call upon  all to concentrate on discussing the subject dealt by Rajiv rather than 7 sentences without quotation marks, (see prof. aklujkar's remark "it is first time in") though I agree it is a simple mistake to leave these 7 sentences without quotation mark. Even rajiv admitted it. it will be corrected in next editions.  

it does not matter whether he is racist or utter fool. if you see anything without evidence in his books please concentrate on it. why some of members are so furious about him? why dont stand for free speech? 

I also ask our colleagues to send me scanned copies of his books if anybody has. so we can glance it.

we stand together for free speech is the conclusion.

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 8:07 PM, Howard Resnick <> wrote:
"Cut to 2015, and we now have the Rajiv Malhotra issue. His explanation for lifting passages from various publications was that “Sanskrit language has no quotation marks.

Interestingly, this article too does not address the main “explanation." It also does not mention that Malhotra admitted he could have done a better job at citation.

On Jul 18, 2015, at 4:00 PM, Dominik Wujastyk <> wrote:

Article in yesterday's The Hindu:
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Veeranarayana N.K. Pandurangi
Director of Academics
Dean, Faculty of Vedantas
Karnakata Samskrita University, 
Pampa Mahakavi Road,
Chamarajpet, Bengaluru.

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