Dear listfolk,
Whatever the motives which started the Malhotra plagiarism affair, it has predictably led to yet another round of a familiar phenomenon: Indian secularists attacking their adversaries all while displaying their ignorance and lack of intellectual manners. Given the ease and unquestioning confidence with which some Indologists rely on these secularists as their privileged source of information about Indian politics, it might be useful to take cognizance of a contemporary example. Here is an attack on Malhotra which ends in further attacks on Shrikant Talageri and Michel Danino, and the common denominator is the playing up of formalities in order not to have to address the contents of the adversary's position. However, in this case, Danino has not taken it lying down. In the event, he also brings the reader up-to-date on the much-maligned Saraswati river.
Kind regards,
Koenraad Elst