Dear colleagues,

Although Vasili'ev's 坎批忱忱我戒技, 快忍抉 忱抉忍技忘找抑, 我扼找抉把我攸 我 抖我找快把忘找批把忘
seems to be available in pdf from several Russian sites, all that I
have found so far require some sort of pre-inscription and/or payment,
and because my Russian is rudimentary, I am wary of using such sites for

I would be most grateful, therefore, to whomever might be able to
send me a pdf of the work in question.

with thanks and best regards,

Matthew Kapstein
Directeur d'谷tudes,
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

Numata Visiting Pro
fessor of Buddhist Studies,
The University of Chicago