Dear colleagues,

I am forwarding below the latest call for proposals of the Gonda fund. I also take this opportunity to draw your attention to the KNAW webpage where PDFs of some (not all) of the past Gonda lectures can be downloaded:

Peter Bisschop

Leiden University

Call for Proposals: The Gonda Fund for Indology

The Gonda Fund supports the scholarly study of Sanskrit, other Indian languages and literatures, and Indian cultural history. The Gonda Fund awards:

1.     Fellowships to promising young Indologists at post-doctorate level, that enable them to spend one to six months at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) in Leiden, the Netherlands.

2.     Funding to scientists, scholars and scientific publishers for publications and research projects.

3.     Gonda-grants to PhD students in the Netherlands for scientific projects or working visits.

The deadlines for applications are 1 April and 1 October of every year.

The Gonda Fund is a foundation of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

More information is available at