On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:37 AM, Marcis Gasuns <gasyoun@ya.ru> wrote:
  Although it might look strange to argue with Harry, whose book Schrift im alten Indien: Ein Forschungsbericht mit Anmerkungen is one of my reference books,
. So "he had the type of r over v but not the type r over the long a" seems wrong, because in the same Jataka-mala volume on the same page and line we see, that the r over long a can be set in different combinations. 

Mārcis Gasūns

Just to clarify.  These are two different Harrys. :-)
 The book is by Harry Falk and the comment  "Could it just be a limitation of the devanagari lead type his printer had.. I.e. he had the type of r over v but not the type r over the long a?" was by myself "Harry Spier"
