Since the search is still on for quotations of these verses, perhaps these Śaiva quotations may be of interest.

South Indian Śaiva authors from the twelfth century onwards (e.g. Aghoraśivācārya ad Mṛgendravṛttidīpikā 8.5) tend to quote just these two pādas without attribution:

nābhuktaṃ kṣīyate karma kalpakoṭiśatair api

These 2 pādas became incorporated into the Pauṣkarasaṃhitā, a Śaiva scripture apparently unknown in the twelfth century that has been commented upon in the sixteenth, as half-verse 2.45cd.

The tenth-century Kashmirian commentator Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha frequently quotes (e.g. Kiraṇavṛtti 5:9.2) the following quarter verse as being śruti/āgama, in other words as being from a scripture of the Śaivasiddhānta:

nābhuktaṃ karma naśyati

I haven’t been able to trace it in a Siddhāntatantra.

Dominic Goodall
École française d'Extrême-Orient,
19, rue Dumas,
Pondicherry 605001
Tel. +91 413 2334539

On 26-May-2015, at 11:54 pm, Martin Gansten <martin.gansten@PBHOME.SE> wrote:

Thanks for this similar verse, David. I'd still be very interested to hear from anyone who has seen the verses quoted by Balabhadra in any other sources than those mentioned.

Best wishes,

David and Nancy Reigle wrote:
Dear Martin,

Regarding your third verse:

nābhuktaṃ kṣīyate karma kalpakoṭiśatair api |
avaśyam eva bhoktavyaṃ kṛtaṃ karma śubhāśubham ||

You are no doubt aware of a similar verse that is found in a number of Buddhist texts. An early source for it has recently been published, from which I here quote it:

na praṇaśyanti karmāi kalpakoṭiśatair api |
sāmagrīṃ prāpya kālaṃ ca phalanti khalu dehināṃ ||

This is from the Dhanapālakavaineyasūtra, published in A Unique Collection of Twenty Sūtras in a Sanskrit Manuscript from the Potala, editions and translation by Bhikuī Vinītā, vol. I,2, p. 692 (Sanskrit Texts from the Tibetan Autonomous Region, no. 7/2. Beijing -- Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2010).

While this does not answer your question, I thought it worthwhile to cite this recently available old source for the similar Buddhist verse.

Best regards,

David Reigle
Cotopaxi, Colorado, U.S.A.

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 1:22 AM, Martin Gansten <> wrote:
Balabhadra in the early 17th century quotes several verses on the topic of niyati/daiva and karma. I have found some of these in other works but not others, and even for the ones I have found, I suspect there are earlier or more common sources. Any help with attributing the following would be much appreciated:

1. Attributed to Śaunaka:

yena tu yat prāptavyaṃ tasya vidhānaṃ sureśasacivo ’pi |
yaḥ sākṣān niyatijñaḥ so ’pi na śakyo ’nyathā kartum || iti |

2. No attribution, but found (with variants) in Pañcadaśī 156 and Mahāsubhāṣitasaṃgraha 3283:

avaśyambhāvibhāvānāṃ pratīkāro bhaved yadi |
tadā duḥkhair na bādhyeran nalarāmayudhiṣṭhirāḥ ||

3. No attribution, but apparently popular -- found (with variants) in Nāradapurāṇa 1.31.69 and 2.29.18 and Mahāsubhāṣitasaṃgraha 3292 (also quoted in Āyurvedadīpikā and Satyaśāsanaparīkṣā); the question is what would be either the earliest source or the most common/typical one in the early 1600s:

nābhuktaṃ kṣīyate karma kalpakoṭiśatair api |
avaśyam eva bhoktavyaṃ kṛtaṃ karma śubhāśubham ||

4. Attributed simply to smṛti:

hanyate durbalaṃ daivaṃ pauruṣeṇa vipaścitā

Many thanks in advance!

Martin Gansten

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