Dear colleagues,

Does anyone have access to the journal with the article noted below (page numbers regrettably unknown), which I cannot track down anywhere in Britain.  I would very much appreciate firstly confirmation of the accuracy of the reference and secondly, if possible, a PDF of the article.

Worsley, Peter 2009: “Cosmopolitan vernacular culture and illustrations of the Rāma story at Caṇḍi Loro Jonggrong, Prambanan”, in Sadur: Sejarah Terjemahan di Indonesis dan Malaysia, ed. by Henri Chambert-Loir (Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia).

John Brockington

Professor J. L. Brockington
Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit, University of Edinburgh
Vice President, International Association of Sanskrit Studies