As Mr Chandra Sekhar has pointed out,
The instructions seem a bit confusing to many people.
Therefore, I have created one youtube video and uploaded it for better step by step understanding of user. is the link where you can see a step by step usage of this Command Line tool.

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:34 PM, CHANDRA SEKHAR <> wrote:
Thanks Mahoday,

I have try to to execute your program in xamp and wamp  server its showing  errors while loading the page please find the screen shots for the same let me know if you have any suggestions for the same.

i hope i am in final state of executing the program if you could help in this regard i am very much thankful for your kind help. 

On Saturday, 16 May 2015 10:12:58 UTC+5:30, dhaval patel wrote:
Respected scholars,
Nowadays many NLP scholars are working on Github.
Most of the discussion are stored in github issues.
I have written a small CLI utility in shell script which may be of interest to the scholars.
It takes a backup of github issues and renders an HTML for local viewing with the same experience as github (because I used the same CSS:)) is the code is the text output is the HTML output.

Any bug reporting is welcome at

Dr. Dhaval Patel, I.A.S
Collector and District Magistrate, Anand

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Dr. Dhaval Patel, I.A.S
Collector and District Magistrate, Anand