The Jain Studies Program at FIU welcomes you to the inauguration of the

Online Lecture Series on Jain Texts

Inauguration By Prof. Nalini Balbir

          This program is launched to enrich textual studies in Jainism and nurture the study of ancient languages like Sanskrit, Prakrit, Apabraṃsa and other Indic languages. This will promote, rejuvenate and invigorate scholarship and research on primary sources. Scholars will present their research on a chosen Jain text through interactive video conferencing.

              The text chosen for this year is the Ācārāṅga SūtraWe welcome you to the inauguration of the program with an introductory lecture on the text, followed by a series of four lectures. Each lecture will be approximately 50 to 60 mins with a discussion session to follow. The sessions will be hosted on Saturdays GMT  17.00 (5 PM). The video conference is open to all. The content will also be archived on the FIU Jain Studies Program website. 



9th May - Prof. Nalini Balbir inaugurate the lecture series and Ven. Samani Chaitanya Pragya (JVBI) presents on the Concept of Violence and Nonviolence in Ācārāga Sūtra

16th May – Prof. Nalini Balbir (Sorbonne): Monastic Discipline in the Ācārāga Sūtra 

23rd May -Prof. Christopher Chapple (Loyola Marymount): Ethics of Ācārāga Sūtra 

30 May -Prof. Ellen Gough (Emory): Enlightenment and Liberation in the Ācārāga Sūtra 

6th June - Prof. Kamal Chand Sogani & Ven. Samani Unnata Pragya (FIU): Mahavir in Ācārāga Sūtra



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Time:  GMT 17.00 (5 PM)


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Steven Vose -
Samani Unnata Pragya -


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Thank You.

Samani Unnata Pragya


Department of Religious Studies

Florida International University